
Hire a copyediting guru.

Copyediting requires attention to every word in a manuscript, a thorough knowledge of the style to be followed, and the ability to make quick, logical, and defensible decisions. This type of editing, sometimes referred to as line editing, is usually undertaken when a manuscript is being prepared or has been accepted for print or online publication, but this is not a hard-set rule.

The full scope of our copyediting services fall into two orders of concern: substantive and mechanical copyediting:

Substantive copyediting

Substantive copyediting deals with the organization and presentation of existing content. It involves:

• Rephrasing for smoothness or to eliminate ambiguity
• Reorganizing or tightening text
• Reducing or simplifying documentation
• Recasting tables and other remedial activities

Mechanical editing

Mechanical editing deals mainly with grammar, syntax, formatting, and usage at the most basic level:

• Consistency in capitalization, spelling, hyphenation, table format, use of abbreviations, and citations
• Correctness of punctuation, including ellipsis points, parentheses, and quotation marks
• Consistency between numbers, tables, illustrations, and so forth

How does it work?

Email us at in your message, include a description of the work, its word count, and attach a sample of the writing. One of us will be in touch about availability, turnaround time, and rates. Whichever editor you choose (and/or who we think would fit best) to read your work then marks-up your document using track changes in Word. We ask for a minimum turnaround time of 3–4 weeks for each pass of copyediting on a full manuscript. When your mark-up is complete, we send it back to you with an invoice. Net-30 terms with PayPal or check.

As always, we follow the Editorial Freelancers Association rates.